There are many programs that enable you to recover deleted files and messages and images as well as videos and many things, we will go for me the best program to do these tasks with me and support Android iPhone feature supports Windows and the Mac.
- Tenoshare Data Recovery program is easy to use so much a fitter on the computer and more wonderful, all you have to do is download the program and after completion of the inaugural Connect your phone via USB and you'll start seeing directly in the process of checking your phone and search for messages and files that possible to restore them and you should know that it is not any file you deleted in the past it is certain to restore it in the future .
- After the completion of the screening process, recover deleted files Tenoshare software displays all the files " pictures and videos and messages and so on ...", which could be restored without any problem, at this stage, you have to select it, then click on Recover and Congratulations to you the success of the process restore files.
- After accessing the official website of the program you choose and you select the version you want to upload, knowing that all the copies that you reference have driven, but the program you can trial version to make sure that it was actually able to recover deleted files or not before thinking to buy it or not.