Dear farewell with Wi-Fi ended your story

- After years of work and development, managed Velmenni company of innovation LI-FI service that would eliminate entirely on Wi-Fi, and rely on sophisticated technology and faster 100 times than by Wi-Fi, it also works on the light in the transmission and reception of data in addition to it safer, and the ability to download files at speeds up to 1 Gbps.
- LI-FI by the time of its appearance to the year 2011, which was the beginning of work on it and develop the back, and within three years ago scientists service achieved speeds of up to 224 GB per second during their experiences. This makes the possibility to download 18 film in less than a second.
- And now moves Li-Fi technology developed to experiment after qualifying achieved in the city of Tallinn, Estonia speeds of up to 1 GB per second, 100 times higher than the traditional Wi-Fi.

- These technical features:

1 - speed :
Since this technique relies on light to transfer data, they are characterized by high speed data transmission, because visible light waves with a greater frequency of radio waves by 10,000 times.
2 - safety :
 transport operations will be confined only in places where light to reach them, it is known that light can not penetrate the wall, lobby following the network will not be leaked to the outside, does not have a sense of opportunity for me, breaking through your computer or access your personal data. It is characterized by easily routed unlike radio waves that are difficult to control.
3 - Costs :
My use of Li-Fi technology will not need more of wires and connections, because the infrastructure already exists.
4 - no noise :
Li-Fi technology does not interfere with navigation devices, medical devices, industrial and sensitive, as do the adopted communication techniques on the radio waves.
- Video for this technology in YouTube

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