Examine any site that was capable of miraculous breakthrough features

punkspider site is available on a huge database, it is updated every year something new security gaps and are retrieved from the millions of sites that are inspected annually, where they are raised free of charge. punkspider which is similar to the search site Google workers, but he specializes in bringing security gaps.Site you can check several of security lapses, including checking gaps: BSQLI SQLI XSS TRAV MXI OSCI XPATHI. 

Although the goal of launching this site is to make the sites owners can inspect and detect their gaps easily, but that he was bad for use by some non-Alhecrz immoral.- In general, how you can use a simple site, where enough typing the URL in the search box and then choose the security gaps that wish to be tested. After finishing click on Search. In the case of the site containing one of the gaps it will be shown in the search results.
In the end, the site combines simplicity and power as well, it is sufficient that is available on more than three million and 300,000 security hole! Make it without doubt gun available free to all :)


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